The above caricature was produced by David Levine for a review of Day's Malcolm Lowry: A Biography by By William H. Gass in the New York Review Of Books.
The New York Review of Books has a gallery of work by the artist David Levine, whose brilliant caricatures have graced the Review's pages since 1963:
About the gallery
This gallery contains over 2,500 illustrations by David Levine, from 1963 to the present. Here you'll find presidents and poets, composers and scientists—from Achebe, Agnew and Albee to Zapata, Zola and Zyuganov. Each image is now available for sale, printed on heavyweight archival paper, in an attractive 12" x 16" frame. Use the search and browse functions below to view the drawings by date or subject, and click on the thumbnails provided for a larger image and ordering information.
About the artist
Born in Brooklyn in 1926, David Levine studied painting at Pratt Institute, at the Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia, and with Hans Hofmann. His work has been exhibited extensively in major galleries and museums throughout the world, and several collections of his paintings and drawings have been published. John Updike (one of the artist's frequent subjects) paid tribute to Levine more than 30 years ago, and his words still hold true today:
"Besides offering us the delight of recognition, his drawings comfort us, in an exacerbated and potentially desperate age, with the sense of a watching presence, an eye informed by an intelligence that has not panicked, a comic art ready to encapsulate the latest apparitions of publicity as well as those historical devils who haunt our unease. Levine is one of America's assets. In a confusing time, he bears witness. In a shoddy time, he does good work. Here he is."
Visit David Levine's gallery.
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