Malc participated in 2 magazines whilst at Cambridge - Venture and Experiment. He had 2 short stories published by Experiment - 'Port Swettenham', story, pp. 22 - 26 No 5 and 'Punctum Indifferens Skibet Gaar Videre', story, pp. 62-75 No 7.
The magazine was edited by Editor: William Empson, Jacob Bronowski, Hugh Sykes, Humphrey Jennings, published in Cambridge, Publisher: Nos. 1-2: Cambridge University Press; Nos. 4-7: G. F. Noxon, Trinity College, Cambridge/G. F. Noxton, 68a St. Andrew's Street, Cambridge. Published from November 1928 - Spring 1931. There were only seven editions which came out on a Quarterly-Irregular basis priced one Shilling and sixpence. You can find full details of each edition on the Modernist Magazine Project.
I did come across a very good article on Jacket 20 by Kate Price on the magazine:
We are concerned with all the intellectual interests of undergraduates. We do not confine ourselves to the work of English students, nor are we at pains to be littered with the Illustrious Dead and Dying. Our claim has been one of uncompromising independence: therefore not a line in these pages has been written by any but degreeless students or young graduates. It has been our object to gather all and none but the not yet too ripe fruits of art, science and philosophy in the university. We did not wish so much that our articles should be sober and guarded as that they should be stimulating and lively and take a strong line. We were prepared in fact to give ourselves away. But we knew that Cambridge is painfully well-balanced just now (a sign, perhaps, of anxiety neurosis) and so we were prepared also to find, as the reader will find, rather too guarded and sensible a daring. Perhaps we will ripen into extravagance.
[Experiment Number 1, November 1928]
The concern of Experiment with ‘all the interests of undergraduates’ was not simply a matter of having literary-minded mathematicians on the editorial team, nor one of including poetry produced by students reading Natural Sciences or Economics. Even taking Experiment as a literary magazine with an inspired eye on contemporary science, the ‘scientific’ content appears somewhat thin on the ground. The occasional article on biochemistry or biology, some hopeful remarks about the development of aesthetic science and Empson’s relativity poems are about the size of it. A distinctly literary and cinematic avant-garde emerges, giving the impression of an exclusively aesthetic kind of experimentation. Read full article here
Apologies for the poor image quality as I haven't been able to locate copies of the magazine to date.
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